The Parts of the MS Word

 The Parts of the MS Word.

Working Area - this is where you put or type your content. 
Document/Title name - this is where you can see the name of the file that you're doing.
Ribbon - it is a command program where it manages to organize program's feature.
Dialog Box Launcher - a tool that reveals extra tools available for use.
Quick Access Toolbar - it gives you a quick access to those commands that are commonly used.
Ruler - it helps you allign the text, tables, or graphs.
File Tab - it gives you access to the functions of the file. By clicking on this, you can choose different options whether you will save it, close, open another file, etc.
Minimize, Maximize, Close - these are the common buttons that can be found on most softwares.
Scroll bar - it is used for us to view the entire content in the working area.
Zoom control - it changes the magnification of the content. It can help you see the content clearly.
View buttons - it changes the view of your document work.
Status bar - it shows information about the current numbers of pages, words. images, etc.


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